South Carolina Nurse Retention Initiative

Keeping Nurses in Beaufort, Jasper and Hampton Counties

South Carolina Nurse Retention Initiative

Keeping Nurses in Beaufort and Jasper Counties

South Carolina Nurse Retention Initiative

Keeping Nurses in Beaufort and Jasper Counties


Rachel Buchholz

Rachel Buchholz – 2024 recipient

I grew up in Southern Pines, North Carolina, and later moved to Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. I pursued higher education in various fields, starting with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology. Afterward, I decided to switch career paths and pursued a Master’s degree in Nursing as an entrance to practice nursing. I am highly motivated to employ my acquired knowledge and skills in serving others in a meaningful way. Additionally, I share a fulfilling life with my fiancé and our beloved dog, Pinecone. We enjoy spending our leisure time outdoors exploring various natural settings. Outside of nursing, I also enjoy cooking with my fiancé and spending time with family and friends.

Julia Demarzo

Julia Demarzo – 2024 recipient

Nursing is a profession that has both challenged my expectations and pushed me out of my comfort zone.  When successfully navigating throughout the obstacles of nursing school and finally  becoming a registered nurse, passing the NCLEX, I thought that I have reached my FINAL goal. I was in a season of new beginnings.  I moved with my family from New York upon graduating college and started living in Bluffton, South Carolina.  I began my job in late august of 2023, the new graduate nurse and new hire on the OR unit.  Although I had operating room exposure from my preceptorship senior year of nursing school, I still had and continue to have so much to learn.  My experience has been far from easy, but it has been one of the most rewarding experiences that I have ever pushed myself through.  If someone were to ask me to describe my role as an operating room RN circulator in a very “general” way, I would say that I am tasked to perform various methods of multitasking throughout the day, from case to case, dependent upon surgeon preferences and patient safety.  We are tasked to adequately document, safely prep our patients, ensure prophylactic medications have been given, interview our patients on their health status prior to the operation, set up the operating room with the equipment in the correct order and ensure our team members receive the correct instrumentation.  We also have an increased focus on surgeon preferences.   Although these tasks are essential for the correct operation of our unit, and actively on my mind, I learned to look deeper into my role as a nurse, and realized that being a true nurse comes from your compassion and dedication to deeply connect with your patients.  

It was about two months ago when I had my very first patient that encouraged me more than anyone or anything.  My patient suffered from extreme panic attacks and anxiety, and she was on the verge of an episode upon going into surgery.  I made it my GOAL that day to really understand what she was going through, as I have also dealt with anxiety in my own personal way.  After consoling her and asking her multiple questions about her daughter, her hobbies and her experiences with anxiety, my patient looked me in the eyes and said “you are my angel, I am going to pray for you.”  Little did my patient know, I was really anxious that day to perform at my absolute best at work.  I realized that day that my final goal was not solely to focus on being task oriented, but also taking the time to offer empathy, understanding and advocation for my patients.  Although my interview prior to surgery took longer than my team members have anticipated, it was truly that interaction that reminded me of why I chose to be a nurse from the beginning.  I am a registered nurse in the operating room, but I am also my patient’s voice and advocate. As a result of the SCNRI scholarship, I am given the opportunity to adjust to a new environment of living as a new South Carolina resident and start another journey while looking for housing.  In the future, I am also given the opportunity to expand my education and knowledge by returning to school to achieve my Nurse Practitioners license, particularly family NP as I take a strong interest in the pediatric population.

Erin Drew

Erin Drew – 2024 recipient

I’ve always been told that I have a healing soul. I’m a natural nurturer. That is why I chose nursing as my career. I’ve been a CNA since 2009, and I’ve always been very passionate about patient care. I love what I do. It took me 15 years to finally achieve my degree, but I don’t regret a single moment of it. I am walking proof that dreams DO come true! Life has been quite a struggle for me, it’s just the hand I was dealt. So there were many times I felt like I would never actually meet  this goal of mine. Graduation would forever just be a dream. Well, even though it took longer than expected, I DID IT! Not only did I survive nursing school and complete it, but I truly enjoyed it. I’m one of the very few that can honestly say I miss it. But I know it’s now time for me to move on and focus on the career that I now have. I plan to continue my education soon to obtain my bachelor’s degree. I hope I can be an inspiration to those who dream of becoming a nurse, because you CAN do it! Despite all obstacles thrown my way, have made it! Single mother, homelessness, child with special needs, unreliable vehicles, health issues, etc., I STUCK WITH IT! And here I am today growing in my environment at work. I am so very thankful for the SCNRI as well. I am still trying to catch up and get on my feet, and this scholarship will help tremendously! I enjoy working in Beaufort county, helping the people in my community. And getting PAID to do that, even better! So thank you to the organization and people involved that chose me, I truly don’t have the words to describe the depth of my gratitude. This is only the beginning, can’t wait to see what the future holds!

Blair Wilkins

Blair Wilkins – 2024 recipient

Growing up, my father had many health issues that required immediate medical attention and stays in the intensive care unit. The compassion and care the nurses showed my father and family made me want to do the same for others. Since graduating nursing school, I have been working in my local ICU and loving the positive impact I make. The SCNRI will allow me to gain certifications in things like Spanish medical translation and continue to provide the best possible care for my patients and their families.

Blaine Alexander

Blaine Alexander – 2024 recipient

Hi, my name is Blaine. I was born and raised in Charleston, SC. I moved to Beaufort over six years ago and have fallen in love with this small town. I have known for a majority of my life that I wanted to make a difference with the career I committed to. I have always had an admiration for nurses and the care they provide for the individuals in their communities. When I decided to go back to school in my mid 20s, I realized that I had a calling towards caring for others. In 2023, I achieved my goal of receiving my ADN. Shortly after, I began my journey in the emergency department, working in a small hospital in Jasper county. I am blessed with the knowledge I gain daily from my fellow coworkers and mentors. The funds provided from this retention scholarship will allow me to go back to school and further my education. Thank you to the SCNRI, for giving me the opportunity to further achieve my goals and advance in my career!

Mariela Moreno

Mariela Moreno – 2023 recipient

My name is Mariela A. Moreno Nava, I recently graduated from the University of South Carolina Beaufort with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Since I was a little girl I knew I wanted to be in the medical field, but it wasn’t until one of my family members had an unexpected medical diagnosis and I knew I wanted to become a nurse. During this experience I felt as we weren’t being advocated for and it made me realize that I could be the person who advocates for future patients. I am currently working at Beaufort Memorial Hospital as an emergency nurse. The South Carolina Nurse Retention Initiative Scholarship will allow me to continue my education. I plan on using it to pay for the Trauma Certified Registered Nurse Certification Review Course (TCRN) as well as my Certified Emergency Nurse Certification (CEN).
Personally, I also plan on saving a majority of it to put towards graduate school expenses in the near future.

Jessica Leaky

Jessica Leaky – 2023 recipient

I was born and raised in Beaufort as the oldest daughter of five children. Growing up, I was always a nurturing child, always carrying a baby doll in my arms or on my hip. As a kid, my mom and I loved watching medical shows such as Trauma: Life in the ER or A Baby Story and I believe this is where my interest in healthcare began. I dreamed of working in an ER or a NICU. Things were complicated when in 2010, I gave birth to my oldest daughter. Then in 2011 graduated from Battery Creek High School as a teen mom. Life was not easy and I worked several odd jobs after graduation. In 2015, I decided to pursue my childhood dream and earned my CNA certification, with the intent to eventually become a RN. Life only became more complicated when in 2016, while pregnant with my second daughter, I was sent to MUSC where she was delivered emergently at 29 weeks gestation. After our time spent in the NICU, I knew I likely didn’t have what it took to be a NICU nurse, I simply could not fathom the loss of an infant. Late 2016, after my youngest was out of the woods for premature complications, I applied for several different positions at Beaufort Memorial Hospital. By the grace of God, I landed an interview in the Emergency Department and in October of that year, I was hired as an ER tech. I absolutely fell in love with the Emergency Department and being able to help someone on what could possibly be the worst day of their life. It was then that I decided I needed to pursue my dreams and I applied to TCL to become a Registered Nurse. During my college career, I maintained full-time status at BMH, while caring for two children in school and my grandparents at home. April 2023, I finally earned my Associate Degree in Nursing and on June 2nd, I officially earned the title of RN. Today, I continue to work full-time in the ER at BMH as a Registered Nurse with plans to further my education in the future and potentially become a nurse in a level one trauma center. Being a teen mom, a NICU mom, and the primary caregivers for my grandparents have never been easy, but I have learned that I am capable of conquering anything throughout this journey of life. Receiving the SC Nurse Retention Initiative Scholarship is an honor. Being born and raised in Beaufort, I have seen the huge increase in the housing market, and have always feared I would not be able to afford to stay in Beaufort as a result.

This scholarship will hugely impact my ability to afford to live and work in Beaufort County, while assisting with continuing my education. I cannot thank the Community Foundation of the Lowcountry enough for this wonderful opportunity and for believing in the newest generations of nurses.

Natalye Landon

Natalye Landon – 2023 recipient

I chose the nursing profession because ever since I was a little girl I loved helping people and making a difference. I saw that in nursing and the medical field in general. Seeing the differences you make in people’s lives is very heartwarming and gratifying.

The SCRNI will help me with trying to further my nursing career. I want to eventually get my Master’s Degree in Nursing.

Jenny Schumann

Jenny Schumann – 2023 recipient

My contribution to health care started in my teens as a Candy Striper at Memorial Hospital in Savannah Georgia. This began my journey of caring for others. I also contributed through my church by helping the community with the needs of the elderly and the homeless. I became a Licensed Practical Nurse and have worked in nursing homes for 22 years, making patients smile, laugh and holding the hand of patients transition through the last stages of life. This is my greatest accomplishment and joy that I was a part of their life and could help them.I attended Hilton Head Regional Healthcare for my clinicals this year while I attended Technical College of the Low Country. I had such a great experience at this hospital, met a lot of caring staff, learned skills and knew I wanted to be part of that. In a professional/personal perspective this scholarship would allow me the extra income to drive to Hilton Head Island for work in a place that cares about the patient.

Anna Graves

Anna Graves – 2023 recipient

My name is Anna “Colleton” Graves. I grew up in the Lowcountry and have spent many years volunteering at Coastal Carolina Hospital when available before my career there. I traveled upstate for my nursing education, but returned to my home town to start my nursing career. I enjoy taking care of people of all different backgrounds and cultures. I choose the nursing profession so that I could help those in need and be the advocate patients need when they cannot advocate for themselves. I was a technician on a Cardiac Telemetry unit and in the Emergency Department as a nursing student where I gained experience in patient care. I did my nurse preceptorship in an ICU setting and fell in love with critical care. Today, I work as a graduate nurse in Coastal Carolina Emergency Department and gain new knowledge of critical patient care in hopes to lay the foundation for the future of my career. My goal is to achieve a CCRN (Critical Care Registered Nurse) in an ICU setting and attend a program to become a nurse anesthetist (CRNA). The SCNRI will aid in furthering my education to receive a BSN by helping to cover tuition and textbook expenses. I will work as a full time emergency RN and continue education to receive my BSN in order to reach my goal of CCRN and CRNA in due time.

Hayden Brown

Hayden Brown – 2023 recipient

My name is Hayden and I chose the nursing profession to make a difference in people’s lives, right here in the heart of the Lowcountry. The SCNRI will help me be able to afford to live in my favorite area and face any obstacles life may throw my way.

Gracelyn Stubblefield

Gracelyn Stubblefield – 2023 recipient

I recently graduated with my ADN from Jersey College in January of 2023. As a new nurse I knew I could start anywhere. My fiancé and I decided we didn’t need to be long distance anymore so we got married in April and I relocated to the Lowcountry and began my nursing career here. This scholarship came up at the perfect time while we are in the process of making this place our home. While being in the midst of so many life changes I am grateful for this opportunity to be a nurse. I have met so many incredible people so far and it’s good going home knowing that my work does help people and make a difference in the community. Thank you SCRNI for supporting me as well as so many others as we step into the world of nursing!

Kendra Zavala

Kendra Zavala – 2023 recipient

My name is Kendra Zavala. I am from Laureldale, Pennsylvania, but I moved to South Carolina in 2018 to further my education at the University of South Carolina – Aiken. I currently work at Beaufort Memorial Hospital in the Birthing Center. I knew I wanted to be a nurse when in high school I did a community service project where a group and I visited nursing homes. From the little things we did, like making blessing bags or playing bingo with the residents, they expressed how much of a difference we made in their lives. I knew that I could make a greater impact on others by becoming a nurse. I currently am planning a wedding and have a 9-month-old at home. I hope to use this scholarship to help with the financial struggle of the two. Eventually, I would like to further my education and return to school to earn my Master’s degree in Education. I want to be able to give back to the community, but also help those who are struggling to find their way in nursing.

Kaitlyn Davis

Kaitlyn Davis – 2023 recipient

My name is Kaitlyn Davis, I am a recent 2023 graduate from the University of South Carolina Beaufort. Words cannot express how thankful I am to receive the South Carolina Nurse Retention Initiative scholarship. This opportunity will allow me to start my foundation in Beaufort County, which I am so proud to call my home. Thus far, my nursing career has begun in Beaufort Memorial Emergency Department and I am inspired to make a difference in my community.

Darian Dubie

Darian Dubie – 2023 recipient

I chose this profession to truly make an impact on one’s health and wellbeing, as this is an ongoing struggle in this area. This scholarship will allow me to continue to work and fulfill my dreams in this beautiful Lowcountry area.

Chrisitne Flores

Christine Flores – 2023 recipient

Christine Flores saw first-hand how nurses can make an impact on people’s lives. From her experiences as a volunteer, she realized how nursing is a mix of science and art in order to deliver holistic care – one that treats the person as a whole.

Endeared with the nursing profession, this prompted Christine to obtain her Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing at University of South Carolina – Beaufort.

Now working as a registered nurse at Beaufort Memorial Hospital.

Samantha Parlagreco

Samantha Parlagreco – 2023 recipient

Samantha Parlagreco is an RN who received her BSN from Clemson University.  She works for Hilton Head Regional Healthcare in Labor and Delivery. Women’s health is a specialty that she is passionate about and in this role she manages and provides safe care for laboring mothers and their newborns.
SCNRI will supplement her current degree and will provide funds to support further education, specifically in women’s health.

Kimberly Alicea

Kimberly Alicea – 2023 recipient

Kimberly Alicea earned her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from USCB last year and has been employed by Hilton Head Regional Medical Center since June, 2022.  As an Operating Room Nurse, her current focus is on learning additional skills and obtaining certifications in Advanced Cardiac Life Support as well as CNOR certification to become a Perioperative Nurse.

Kimberly believes nursing is a key component of any healthcare system – but especially key in Jasper and Beaufort Counties.  As they continue to expand the need for nurses is greater than ever.
A military spouse and mother of two – the SCNRI will assist Kimberly in paying off some of her student loans taken to become a nurse.

See her story here: 

Elizabeth Reed

Elizabeth Reed  – 2023 recipient

I chose to become a nurse to serve others. Being awarded the funds from the South Carolina Nurse Retention Initiative will help significantly with the high cost of rent in Bluffton, which is where I live in order to work at Hilton Head Hospital. It’s my dream job- but it’s also not a very high paying job. I do it for the love, and so do most of my colleagues. I hope the South Carolina Nurse Retention Initiative is around a long time and is able to help other nurses stay here on Hilton Head to take care of all of YOU!

Dean Smith

Dean Smith – 2023 recipient

Dean Smith is a recent graduate of TCL with an Associates Degree in Nursing.  As a new RN – he practices at Hilton Head Hospital in the Same Day Surgery Unit.  Dean has always wanted to be a nurse and is proud to have finally achieved this goal.  Longer term he hopes to continue his education and obtain his BSN as well as a Master’s Degree. 
Dean moved to the area two years ago from a much larger city and finds working in a smaller community provides for a deeper connection to his patients and co-workers.
Dean and his wife are expecting their second child in October – the SCNRI will help them offset some of the financial challenges they face. 

See his story here: 

Nana Ackaah

Nana Ackaah – 2023 recipient

Nana Akua Ackaah received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing in May of 2022 from USCB and is now employed as an Operating Room RN at Beaufort Memorial. True to her calling, Nana volunteered with Volunteers in Medicine in 2020 to administer Covid vaccines and tests for uninsured residents of Hilton Head and beyond.  Because she did not qualify for grants, she has significant student loans.  The SCNRI will help ease some of that burden for her.  As the oldest sibling to a younger sister and brother,  she set an example by excelling in her academic studies and hopes to continue to do that when she pursues an advanced degree in the future.  She is enjoying her current work as an Operating Room nurse, increasing her knowledge of techniques, equipment and her role as a patient advocate.

Bailey Moore

Bailey  Moore – 2023 recipient

Bailey Moore is a field RN for the Friends of Caroline Hospice.  There she supports patients and their families in Jasper, Hardeeville, Beaufort and Hilton Head.  Bailey graduated from the Technical College of the Lowcountry in December, 2022 with her Associate’s Degree in Nursing.  Previously she worked 3 years as a School Nurse for the Jasper County School District and 6 years in the SC Department of Corrections as an LPN.
When Bailey decided to obtain her Associate’s Degree in Nursing she had to leave her position as a School Nurse (at their request).   So her two-income family with 2 children had to survive on one income while she pursued her degree at TCL.  The SCNRI will help her replenish her savings account and pay for future continuing education.  She hopes to go back to obtain her BSN in the future.

Christian Lorenzo

Christian Lorenzo – 2023 recipient

Christian Lorenzo is a recent graduate of USCB and now works at Beaufort Memorial as an Registered Nurse in the Progressive Care Unit.  He is focused on expanding his skills and knowledge to advance to the Emergency Room. His longer term goal is to pursue a Masters in Nursing specializing in cardiac or emergency care.  Beaufort Memorial is not a new environment for Christian – he was a volunteer there during his last two years of high school.
Christian’s family immigrated here from the Philippines.  He aspires to hold a medical mission there for those who are unable to afford health care.

Rosalyn Paulino

Rosalyn Paulino – 2023 recipient

Rosalyn Paulino graduated in May, 2022 from Technical College of the Lowcountry with an Associate’s Degree in Nursing.  She is currently employed at Sea Island Pediatrics in Beaufort.  Previously she had a staff position at Beaufort Memorial in the Delivery and Labor unit.
Rosalyn believes strongly that integrity, compassion and trustworthiness are vital traits for someone in the nursing profession and this enables her to be a more effective nurse to her patients.
The SCNRI will allow her to pay off her student loans while is remains and works in her community.

Cullen Estep

Cullen Estep – 2023 recipient

Cullen Estep attended the College of Coastal Georgia where he received his Bachelor of Science in Nursing in May of 2022.  He is now working at Beaufort Memorial Hospital as an Operating Room RN.  Cullen has always been very involved in his community and school, volunteering for a wide range of activities, including Best Buddies (a club helping special needs kids), the Bullock Country Food Bank and Dudley Little League.  Cullen feels drawn to work in the OR and wants the community to know they are under the care of the ‘best’ nurses.  Cullen describes himself as compassionate and hard-working with the desire to continuously learn and adds that in addition to helping him pursue additional certifications the SCNRI makes him feel appreciated and respected as a nurse.

Cherise Shaw Gardner

Cherise Shaw Gardner – 2023 recipient

Cherise Shaw Gardner is currently a Staff Nurse at Beaufort Memorial.  She received her Associate’s Degree in Nursing from ECPI University in Charleston, SC in April, 2022 and has been an RN at Beaufort Memorial since June, 2022.  Previously Cherise was an LPN. 
Cherise hopes to advance her degree to BSN and then MSN in Public Health.  She plans to become a professional CPR Instructor in order to educate those in her community and save lives as a result.  She believes she should advocate for her patients, advocate for the community, and be willing to allocate the time to service them.
The SCNRI will reduce Cherise’s financial burden of furthering her nursing education.

Trenisha Bonds

Trenisha Bonds – 2022 recipient

Trenisha Bonds lives in St. Helena and began work as a ‘new’ RN at Beaufort Memorial in July. Her goal is to obtain a Nurse Practitioner License as well as complete her Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing. Trenisha wants to use her voice as well as her knowledge to advocate for her patients and their families. As a single mom of 3 – the SCNRI has eased some of the financial issues she faces. She is also proud to be the ‘youngest but first’ in her family to obtain a degree – and wants to be a role model and positive motivator for her kids and nephews.

See her story here: 

Melanie Kelly

Melanie Kelly – 2022 recipient

Melanie Kelly has worked at Hilton Head Hospital since 2017 and received her BSN from USCB last year. Melanie spent over 20 years in a successful retail career – including management of several stores right here in Tanger Outlets. But she decided to pursue a career in nursing and received her BSN from USCB last year. She wants to continue to strengthen her nursing skills and climb the ‘clinical’ ladder at Hilton Head Regional Hospital. Melanie was promoted to Charge Nurse in her first year and hopes to assist in preceptorship with student nurses as they complete their clinical. Melanie recently began working at Beaufort Memorial as well on the medical surgical floor, where she has been able to take her learned knowledge from Hilton Head hospital to care for a wider range of the community. While attending USCB Melanie learned she had ‘maxed out’ her federal student loans but – she managed to earn her degree as a single mother, working

Anna Kallmeyer

Anna Kallmeyer  – 2022 recipient

Anna Kallmeyer currently works at Beaufort Memorial as a staff nurse and was a May graduate of USCB. Anna believes nursing goes beyond the hospital – and believes nurses should support and educate the community on health promotions as well as potential emergencies – including natural disasters. The SCNRI will help Anna pay off her student loans and help her fulfill her objective of buying a home. 

See her story below:

Kimberly Lunceford

Kimberly Lunceford – 2022 recipient

Kimberly Lunceford graduated from TCL in December and is currently working as an RN at Beaufort Memorial Hospital. Kim’s goal is to gain proficiency on the medical surgical floor as well as the ability to teach new and future graduate nurses. Kim believes a nurse must respect and honor every patient’s beliefs in order to build trust in their caregiver as well as the healthcare system. She plans to use the scholarship to pay off her student debt and help pay for tuition as she now pursues her BSN.

NOTE: Kimberly lives in Port Wentworth, Ga and commutes daily to Beaufort Memorial.

Alexandria Coleman

Alexandria Coleman – 2022 recipient

Alexandria Coleman currently works at the Birthing Center at Beaufort Memorial as a postpartum nurse, and previously worked in the ER as well as the Medical/Surgical and Oncology departments. Lexie is still deciding on her nursing career path but hopes to graduate to the level of Nurse Practitioner. She is a strong patient advocate who is not afraid to speak out if she believes her patient is not receiving the correct care. Lexie has been in the Lowcountry for 5 years – and doesn’t intend to ever relocate. This scholarship will help her achieve a personal goal of buying a home and a professional goal of additional certification training.

Mary Montana

Mary Montana – 2022 recipient

Mary Montana graduated in May from TCL and now works as an RN at Beaufort Memorial in the perioperative anesthesia care unit. Longer term – she hopes to obtain a managerial position as well as obtain her BSN degree. Mary believes her role as a nurse is to have understanding and compassion while delivering the safest and most knowledgeable care she can. Mary stated that the SCNRI would relieve some of her financial burden – and “may mean that one week she can take an extra day off to study for an exam or finish writing a paper without having to stress about the money.”

Glaychia Reber

Glaychia Reber – 2022 recipient

Glaychia Reber graduated in May from TCL and is currently an RN in the Emergency Room at Beaufort Memorial. She is also enrolled in a BSN program. Glaychia wants to continue her work in the ER, learning and honing her client care skills. She describes herself as a ‘committed promoter of primary health promotion’ – with the belief that when people know better, they do better. The SCNRI will enable Glaychia to continue her educational and career dreams without delay.

Sharonda Jenkins

Sharonda Jenkins – 2022 recipient

Sharonda Jenkins, from Ridgeland, graduated from TCL in December. While she has worked at Beaufort-Jasper-Hampton Comprehensive Health Services since 2017 – she now does so as an RN. Sharonda believes strongly in providing health services to those who are socially and economically unable to pay for such services. Just one example of this was Sharonda’s work at Migrant Clinics during the summer – servicing a large population of Hispanic and Haitian Creole agricultural workers. The SCNRI will enable her to pay off her student loans earlier and ease the financial burden while pursuing her Bachelor’s Degree.

Krystal Maldonado

Krystal Maldonado – 2021 recipient

Krystal Maldonado was born and raised in Beaufort Country and is a first-generation college graduate from USCB. She currently works for Hilton Head Dermatology as an RN. Krystal believes the role of a nurse provides a unique opportunity to contribute to health outcomes in Beaufort Country. As a single mother – Krystal noted that the SCNRI made a difference in both her personal and professional life by allowing her to focus on her future goals – which include plans to purchase a home and continue her education towards her masters in nursing.

Erika Thalacker

Erika Thalacker – 2021 recipient

Erika Thalacker has lived in South Carolina her entire life – growing up in Lake Wylie, SC. She has relocated to the Lowcountry and graduated from USCB last year. Erika works for Beaufort Pediatrics as a pediatric nurse. She loves working with children and their families – and feels she is really connecting with the community. Erika hopes to continue her education and become a nursing educator down the road.

See her story below:

Lauren Londono

Lauren Londono – 2021 recipient

I grew up in Southern Pines, North Carolina, and later moved to Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. I pursued higher education in various fields, starting with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology. Afterward, I decided to switch career paths and pursued a Master’s degree in Nursing as an entrance to practice nursing. I am highly motivated to employ my acquired knowledge and skills in serving others in a meaningful way. Additionally, I share a fulfilling life with my fiancé and our beloved dog, Pinecone. We enjoy spending our leisure time outdoors exploring various natural settings. Outside of nursing, I also enjoy cooking with my fiancé and spending time with family and friends.

Interested In Applying?

*Applicants must have graduated within the 12-month period prior to the application start date.